Meru Networks Lunchtime Briefings
10th & 11th January, 1:30pm-2:15pm
Networks for student owned devices
Given the increasing adoption of mobile devices which now rarely have the ability to be connected via a wire, the need for robust scalable wireless networks that can support hundreds of users, in a relatively compact area, all seeking reliable, high‐performance Wi‐Fi connectivity is essential.
An excellent example of where high densities of users can cause problems, was the “meltdown” (as it’s been described) of the Wi‐Fi infrastructure at Apple’s iPhone 4 announcement, made somewhat infamous by Steve Jobs’ futile exhortation for the audience to turn their Wi‐Fi‐based devices off – an unacceptable alternative in any venue. The ability to handle very large numbers of wireless users is clearly now a fundamental requirement in education, conference centres and arenas, hospitality, meeting areas, healthcare environments, and many more. And with demand for Wi‐Fi capacity across the board certain only to increase over time, the ability to cope with large numbers of wireless users in a given area is becoming increasingly important.
From the beginning, Meru designed its wireless network for the All‐Wireless Enterprise where users can expect wired‐like performance over wireless. The following video case studies prove Meru’s capabilities in these types of environments.
- Testimonials
- Case Study - New Line Learning
- Educational videos
Meru Networks is delighted to be participating in the LWF Festival. Please come and talk to us about how we can truly enable your handheld learning ambitions in the Experiences Lounge. Meru Networks will also be presenting at the industry presentations on Sunday 9th January, and see Meru in action in the lunch time briefings on the 10th & 11th January.
Please contact for more information.