A day for everybody & it's FREE!*

Fancy dress optional! (kids TV or video game characters)

Doors open 11:00am - get in early!

The Sunday Service is part of the LWF Festival and free to attend at The Brewery, London, EC1 on Sunday January 9th where everybody is welcome.

That includes kids (under 16's need to look after an adult), parents, students, education professionals, school governors and anybody with an interest in how the latest technology is improving the way we learn, work and play. There's stacks to see and do from robotics to immersive theatre and digital story-telling, show and tell sessions, young disruptive innovators, stuff from the future, new video games and much more. School parties welcomed!

Only 2,000 places available,  get your FREE tickets now!

Download and print your programme (PDF 100Kb)

*our mothers always used to say "if it's FREE it's GOOD" (we bet you thought this was going to be some dodgy small print that meant it wasn't really free but you were wrong!)

Things to see, things to do!


Jason Bradbury's Dot Robot Show

Not to be missed. Fun for all the family.Take part in a live filming of the show!

Television presenter & children’s author, Jason Bradbury, presents the Dot Robot Show, a captivating event that tells the story of a group of children recruited into a top secret robot defence force. It’s a not to be missed show with the style & energy of a pop concert & the laugh-out-loud smarts of a stand-up comedy show.

Only 500 seats available with purchase of book followed by signing!

Show starts at 11:30 am and lasts for 90 minutes. Get in early as seating limited to 500 people!

Find out more here


Experiences, Futures & Apps

A chance to get hands-on with some of the latest tech and meet with creators and manufacturers such as Nintendo, Apple, Sony Computer Entertainment, Microsoft Xbox, Made In Me, Texas Instruments and Promethean

Find out more





Teachers with Tech: best practice in action 

A series of inspiring 20 minute talks with leading innovators and teachers from the UK, Australia, USA and Europe sharing their techniques and practice using the latest affordable technologies including mobile phones, video games and social media to improve learning.

Find out more.


Kids with Tech: The Learners Y Factor with Jason Bradbury

Let’s face it, young people know more than their parents or teachers about new technology. This is a hugely popular game for young people to demonstrate their skills and tell the world how they are using technology to help them learn in new ways. Come along and cheer for your favourite team or just get inspired by these kids of whizz.

Find out more.



Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and learning.
The main part of TeachMeet is hearing stories about learning, from teachers. This is not an event to present about a product or theory - this is a chance for teachers from all types of establishments to hear ideas from each other. Real narratives of practice that make a difference. It is about being engaged and inspired by our immediate colleagues and a whole bucket load of networking to boot!

Take part! More info here


MirandaMod, is an informal, loosely structured unconference of like-minded educators to share ideas about the use of technology to inspire others.

The theme of this MirandaMod is "Why do I need a school now I use mobile technology? ...and why do I need a teachers when I have the Internet?"

More info


Hack education unconference with Leigh Graves Wolf, Michigan State University and Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth

More info

There's an App for That!

Practitioners, learners and developers show off their favourite Apps - lead by Tony Vincent

Anybody can present their favorite App but they have just 6 minutes, 40 seconds with 20 presentation slides automatically timed to 20 seconds per slide Pecha Kucha style!

Find out more

Immersive Theatre and Storytelling

An immersive world brought to you by ITG Productions where you the audience are invited in to take part in the play and the story where the actors talk with you and the props and sets are there to be played with and explored. Seriously entertaining where you can expect the unexpected.

Find out more here



Industry Talks

A series of talks from leading technology providers who are participating in the Experience, Futures and Apps Lounge.

An opportunity to learn more about the latest advances in new technology for learning.

Find out more





Everybody loves cafés, right? Places to go and chat over a drink, share stories, look for advice from friends and peers, relax, dream.

The idea of LWF Educafé is to make 5-minute presentations of projects around Europe and network with those involved in diverse applications of technology to learning.

Find out more



The Sunday Social

An evening gathering at a local night spot to unwind over a game of pool, network and have fun! This one's for the over 18's only please.

Plus it's Graham's birthday so there'll be cake!

with kind support from

If you are already a registered delegate for the Learning Without Frontiers Conference you are already registered for the Sunday Service!