Entries in industry (7)


David Yarnton, Nintendo UK, LWF Talk, London 2011

Video games, society & learning

David Yarnton, General Manager, Nintendo UK discusses the positive impact of video games and interactive entertainment on society, reaching across age, culture and gender groups providing new ways for people to connect and entertain themselves whilst offering new potential careers for young people wishing to enter the creative and digital media industries.


Ed Vaizey MP, UK Government, LWF Talk, London 2011

Nurturing skills for future growth in the creative, digital and info-tech industries.

Ed Vaizey MP, UK Minister for Communications, Culture & the Creative Industries presents the morning opening keynote at the LWF Festival of Learning & Technology in London, January 11th 2011. Mr Vaizey discusses the skills requirement of the video game and visual FX industries and the challenges faced by the education sector.

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