Entries in game based learning (9)


Andrew Blake, Microsoft Research, LWF Talk, London 2011

Learning with Kinect & the future of human-computer interfaces

Professor Andrew Blake is head of Microsoft Research UK and leader of the team that built the machine learning software for the Kinect visual and gesture recognition system, recently released for the Xbox gaming platform. In this talk Andrew discussed the implication of this technology as it affects other forms of everyday interaction between humans and machines. Andrew calls for greater connection between education and the digital technology industries to develop the talent needed to compete in this fast growing sector.


Kareem Ettouney, Media Molecule, LWF Talk, London 2011

Learning with LittleBigPlanet

Kareem Ettouney is co-founder and art director for Media Molecule the UK studio responsible for the creation of the LittleBigPlanet series which has now reached it's 2nd version that allows players not only to collaborate and create levels to share with other gamers around the world but also entirely new games. Whilst not intended for learning purposes Kareem has been astounded by the way in which LBP has spawned an ecosystem of learning games and levels that are being enjoyed and shared throughout the world.


David Braben, Frontier, Learning Without Frontiers, London 2011

An end to boring ICT lessons in school?

David Braben, CEO of Frontier Developments and renowned creator of the original Elite 3D video game. David discusses the latest work of his Cambridge based studio and calls for better and more relevant teaching of ICT to foster new talent that already has an appetite for designing and creating games yet lack the skills or access to knowledge through current school or university ICT provision. He concludes that most learners find ICT lessons boring and in this talk announces a new low cost programming platform to engage learners in game programming.

Award-winning David Braben and his Cambridge based studio, Frontier Developments Ltd. is recognised worldwide as one of the leading innovators in videogame development technology and design. Frontier's most recent title 'LostWinds' released exclusively on Nintendo® WiiWare scooped many awards and received worldwide critical acclaim. The studio's rollercoaster based 'Thrillville', published by LucasArts in North America, was the best-selling original children's/family title in North America in 2006. Frontier's work on The Outsider promises to deliver yet another ground-breaking title and a number of gameplay firsts.

David is directing the development of several titles which all utilise the studio's sophisticated in-house toolchain. David is particularly well-known for co-writing the seminal game Elite, the first true 3D game which celebrates it's 25th anniversary in September 2009.


Dawn Hallybone, LWF Talk, London 2011

My name is Dawn Hallybone & I am a gamer.

Teaching with video games in primary education.

Award-winning teacher, Dawn Hallybone, Oakdale Junior School, presents her work where she has integrated gaming and commercial video game technology within her teaching practice which is shared amongst other practitioners through a network of schools. Dawn presents evidence of how the use of gaming technology is motivating learners and improving outcomes.


David Samuelson, Pearson Plc, LWF Talk, London 2011

Video games & Pearson Plc

David Samuelson, EVP and Director of Games & Augmented Reality for Pearson Plc discusses his organisations approach to digital which now accounts for one third of all Pearson's global revenues. David presents a number of key Pearson initiatives in the gaming space including Poptropica.

David is responsible, as part of Pearson plc’s digital strategy team, for exploring new global business opportunities across Pearson’s education, trade publishing and information businesses in the fast growing games industry, and leveraging emerging new technology such as augmented reality. Pearson’s current gaming-related initiatives include Poptropica, a very popular virtual world where kids learn as they explore, and an investment in Tabula Digita, a math game company, among others.