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David Samuelson, Pearson Plc, LWF Talk, London 2011

Video games & Pearson Plc

David Samuelson, EVP and Director of Games & Augmented Reality for Pearson Plc discusses his organisations approach to digital which now accounts for one third of all Pearson's global revenues. David presents a number of key Pearson initiatives in the gaming space including Poptropica.

David is responsible, as part of Pearson plc’s digital strategy team, for exploring new global business opportunities across Pearson’s education, trade publishing and information businesses in the fast growing games industry, and leveraging emerging new technology such as augmented reality. Pearson’s current gaming-related initiatives include Poptropica, a very popular virtual world where kids learn as they explore, and an investment in Tabula Digita, a math game company, among others.

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