Entries in london (3)


Katharine Birbalsingh, Teacher, LWF Talk, London 2011

What should be taught in our schools?

Katharine Birbalsingh, is a teacher and author who was recently asked by the Conservative Party to speak at their party conference. Katharine discusses her experiences as a teacher working in inner-London secondary schools and calls for a return to a more traditional, fact-based approach to learning to provide a framework for those who do not have access to the benefits that learners from more affluent or middle-class backgrounds. Katharine draws a comparisons between the education provision in the private and state sectors suggesting that state provision could learn from the private sector more traditional approach to education. 



Iris Lapinski, CDI Europe, LWF Talk, London 2011

Iris Lapinski, Director, CDI Europe presents her LWF Talk at the London LWF Festival, January 2011. Iris discusses with the help of learners how the Apps for Good programme is working with learners from different backgrounds to design, create and market mobile Apps.


Karen Cator, US Dept of Education, LWF Talk, London, 2011

Karen Cator, Director, Office of Educational Technology, US Department of Education presents the opening LWF Talk at the Learning Without Frontiers International Festival of Learning & Technology, London, 2011.

Karen discusses the role of technology in learning and how the US is preparing their learners for productivity and competition in the 21st century.