Entries in disruption (18)


Genevieve Shore, Pearson Plc, LWF Talk, London 2011

Is book publishing dead? Embracing digital disruption

Genevieve Shore is the Director of Digital Strategy for Pearson Plc and is responsible for their global strategy for digital technologies. Genevieve describes how she encourages Pearson to embrace the inevitable disruptions that the digital world brings to one of the worlds largest publishing companies and demonstrates how this is being achieved.


Keri Facer, MMU, LWF Talk, London 2011

Beyond the horizon for learning

Keri Facer is Professor of Education at the Education and Social Research Institute and the Manchester Metropolitan University where she specialises in digital cultures, social justice and radical educational change. In her talk she discusses where she believes education maybe heading and the challenges it faces to meet the future needs of its learners.

Formerly Research Director at Futurelab, Keri led the Beyond Current Horizons Programme for the UK government looking at long term socio-technical change and its implications for education. Keri’s new book 'Learning Futures: Education, technology and social change' will be published in March 2011. She is now working on co-operative education models and digital technologies with a view to rethinking the economic model underlying education.


Abdul Chohan, Essa Academy, LWF Talk, London 2011

1:1 mobile device deployment in a school

Abdul Chohan, Director, Essa Academy discusses the impact and results of school wide 1:1 deployment of iPod touch and iPad devices to every student and staff member.

Essa Academy is the first school in the UK to give out iPod touches to all students and staff. The Academy believes in allowing students to access information and deepen learning beyond the classroom.

The creativity that that has been inspired by the use of this technology has been amazing. Staff and students are able to have seamless communication that allows learning conversations to develop and feedback to be of a higher quality as well as being personalised.

The technology has been an enabler of transformation and has also contributed to our vision of the new build that has recently commenced.


William Rankin, ACU, LWF Talk, London 2011

1:1 mobile device deployment in a university

William Rankin, Director of Educational Innovation and Associate Professor of English, Abilene Christian University presents at the LWF Festival of Learning & Technology discussing the campus wide deployment of iPads and mobile devices within the university.


Jason DaPonte, The Swarm, LWF Talk, London

Mobile & mobile futures

Trends coming up that will be important in the next few years.

Jason DaPonte, Founder, The Swarm and former head of mobile content at the BBC presents his vision of the future for mobile technology and the impact on learning and society.